
  1. The Company requires that a high standard of Quality, Health, Safety, and Environmental (QHSE) awareness be achieved and consistently maintained at all work areas and offices.
  2. The Company acknowledges that QHSE and operational efficiency are complementary and that the proper use of working practices and loss prevention techniques are an important aspect of management responsibility.
  3. The Company will establish and maintain formal procedures to identify the QHSE impacts of its activities, products and services with regard to its employees, member of the public and the environment generally.
  4. Training in matters relevant to QHSE will be delivered to management, supervisory staff, and employees as required.
  5. Training in matter relevant to QHSE matters via publicity, informative handouts, and other marketing tools, and will develop and implement QHSE improvement schemes as necessary.
  6. A comprehensive advisory service in QHSE matters will be provided and maintained.
  7. QHSE audits and inspections will be undertaken will be applied to all work projects prior to commencement.
  8. Adequate planning and consideration of QHSE matters will be applied to all work projects prior to commencement.
  9. The subject of QHSE matters will be included in the agenda of all relevant management review meetings.
  10. Upon commencement of employment, all employees will be inducted in the Company’s QHSE Policies and Procedures.
  11. All employees will be encouraged to submit suggestions and ideas for improving QHSE issues within Company operations.
  12. Statistical analysis of QHSE performance will be collated and analyzed and communicated throughout the business and used as a basis for targeting improvements.
  13. The Company will ensure that any sub-contractors engaged to undertake work will conduct themselves in a responsible manner at all times and will comply with all statutory and local requirements regarding OHSE performance.
  14. This QHSE Statement will be reviewed and updated, as necessary.


Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvements

  1. The corporate objective of Industrial Rubber, inc. is to achieve long-term profitability through the provision of integrated services that meet or exceed the customer’s needs and expectations together with specified/contractual requirements.
  2. To assist in achieving this objective, an integrated quality management system is operated throughout the business that meets the requirements of the international standards BS EN ISO 9001.
  3. All employees with the Company will be made fully aware of the Company’s Quality Policy, objectives, and targets.
  4. The Company will at all times promote a “Continuous Improvement Policy” (C.I.P.) in Quality Assurance matters.
  5. The Company will implement procedures to ensure that all appropriate contracts are subject to formal review with the customer on a regular basis to measure the performance of the Company in accordance with the specified/contractual requirement.


Health Safety and Welfare

  1. Industrial Rubber, Inc., will conduct operations/activities in such a way as to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety, and welfare of all our employees and of any other persons that may be affected by the Company’s activities. Senior Management will actively pursue this policy.
  2. A high standard of health, safety, and welfare will be achieved and consistently maintained at all Company premises including work areas and offices.
  3. Plant and machinery will be designed and constructed so as not to affect health and safety, and new processes will be developed in accordance with this policy.
  4. Any employee, regardless of status, found to be deliberately and consistently negligent in the performance of the Company policy on health, safety, and welfare will be subject to Company disciplinary procedure and may lead to dismissal.
  5. No employees will be permitted to work while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.


Environmental Management

  1. It is the policy of the Company that the prevention of pollution to land, air, and water will be conducted in such a way as to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable the sustainability of the environment that could be affected by its operations. Senior Management will actively pursue this policy.
  2. An environmentally sound workplace will be established and maintained at all operating locations, and plant and machinery will be designed and constructed, and new processes developed in accordance with the Company environmental policy.
  3. It is the Policy of Industrial Rubber, Inc., to continually strive to improve its environmental performance and awareness of all its employees and will develop objectives and targets to achieve this.

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